Knight goes to Clarkdale Attendance Center
By By Georgia E. Frye / staff writer
May 14, 2004
Denise Knight, who served as federal programs director for the Lauderdale County School District, is now assistant principal of Clarkdale Attendance Center.
Lauderdale County School Superintendent David Little said Thursday that Knight took the job earlier this month.
Knight's new job comes five months after Little asked the state auditor's office to determine if Knight wrongly used federal funds to pay for a class she took toward her doctorate degree.
The auditor's office cleared Knight of wrongdoing.
Little also asked the state auditor's office to investigate if Knight's husband, Joey, Southeast Elementary School principal, wrongly used grant money to buy gift certificates for teachers last year.
Joey ran for school superintendent last year, losing to Little. The auditor's office said grant money should not have been used to buy gift certificates; officials also said they would not try to recover grant money already spent.
Little said Denise Knight left the school district central office because Clarkdale had an opening for an assistant principal. He also said he believes Knight will be successful in her new position.