Leaver, Clayton
By Staff
Barry and Mary Leaver of Meridian announce the engagement of their daughter, Danielle Nicole, to Jason Edward Clayton, son of Tom and Peggy Clayton of Meridian.
The wedding will be Saturday, July 10, 2004, at 2 p.m. at Highland Baptist Church Chapel.
Miss Leaver is the granddaughter of Net Leaver and the late Newt Leaver, and Quentin and Mona Wise, all of Pensacola.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Meridian High School and received an associate's degree from Meridian Community College. She is attending the University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy. Miss Leaver is employed by Eckerd's.
Mr. Clayton is the grandson of Dorothy Clayton and the late William Clayton, and Phil and Clarice Davis, all of Meridian.
The bridegroom-elect is a graduate of Northeast Lauderdale High School and received a degree in marketing from Mississippi State University. He is employed by Walgreen's.
A reception will be held at Highland Baptist Church's tea room following the ceremony.