Floyd, Hisaw
By Staff
Elizabeth Anna Hisaw of Meridian and Robert Carlton Floyd of Braxton were married Saturday, Feb. 2, 2002, at Union Station, with the Revs. Randell Hisaw and Carl Floyd officiating.
Parents of the couple are Randell and Beth Hisaw of Meridian, and Earl and Linda Floyd.
Grandparents of the bride are Sybil Price and Jessie Lee Cooper.
Nuptial music was provided by Christie Monroe, pianist.
The bride was given in marriage by her brother, Paul Hisaw.
She wore a wedding dress hand made by the her mother.
Maid of honor was Ruth Small of Maine. Other attendants were Krist Feger of California and Erin Hisaw of Michigan. Malorie Monroe of Jackson was flower girl.
Brent Rigdon of Jackson served as best man. Groomsmen were Brett Lewis of Meridian and David Monroe of Jackson.
A reception was held at Union Station following the ceremony.
Assisting at the reception were Sandy Brantley, Joe Baskin, Nelda Coley and Barbara Davidson.
After a honeymoon in Vicksburg, the couple resides in Pearl.