FC Land Management proposes expanding landfill
Editor’s note: In the Aug. 3 print edition of the Franklin County Times, this story about the potential landfill expansion mistakenly listed the next commission meeting dates as those scheduled for September, omitting the August dates. The commission met in a regular work session Aug. 8 and will hold its regular monthly voting meeting Aug. 15. The FCT regrets the error.
Bob Rogers, speaking for Franklin County Land Management, has addressed the Franklin County Commission regarding a proposal to change and expand a local landfill. The group is seeking major permit modifications to the ADEM SWDF Permit No. 30-04.
This permit modification would allow for the landfill to expand from an industrial landfill to a municipal solid waste landfill.
In a letter dated July 28, 2022, the Franklin County Commission wrote:
“Under Section 22-27-48.1 of the Code of Alabama, solid waste management facilities that are seeking to make modifications to their ADEM Solid Waste Disposal Facility (SWDF) Permit, are required to obtain local host government approval.”
Along with the letter, the Commission included the section of the Code of Alabama referenced therein.
During the July 18 meeting of the Franklin County Commission, Rogers spoke on the matter, explaining he was officially confirming the delivery of the application that was presented to the commission at the work session the previous week.
“By officially presenting this document, it starts our timeframe running,” explained Rogers, who added that other parts of the process would include negotiations, public hearings and a public comment period.
“There’s a six-step process in the state statue,” added Rogers.
The July 28 letter from the commission stated those wishing to review copies of the local solid waste management plan and application may contact Franklin County administrator Leah Mansell at 256-332-8850 or visit the Franklin County Commission Office at 405 Jackson Ave. N., Russellville.
Additionally, written concerns may be submitted to the Franklin County Commission at P.O. Box 1028, Russellville, AL 35653.
The next meeting of the Franklin County Commission is the work session Aug. 8 at 5 p.m. The next regular meeting will be the following week, Aug. 15, at 8:30 a.m.