Doris Day Foundation provides grant for spay, neuter assistance
The Doris Day Animal Foundation, a national non-profit organization founded by the legendary actress, singer and animal welfare advocate, has provided a $5,000 grant to North Alabama Spay And Neuter Assistance.
NASANA is a non-profit organization that assists qualifying residents of Franklin, Lauderdale and Colbert counties – those who receive food stamps or Medicaid – to have their animals spayed and neutered.
“The grant will help us pay for spay/neuter surgeries for approximately 100 animals,” said Pat Maguire, president of NASANA. “We had heard for many years of the great work the Doris Day Animal Foundation does and knew they would be a great organization to work with. We are so thankful they believe in our mission and want to help.”
NASANA’s mission is to help reduce the overpopulation of unwanted animals by encouraging and facilitating spay and neuter procedures.
“Spaying and neutering animals is one of the most beneficial therapies that can be performed in a pet’s life,” explained Dr. Kevin Marecle of Russellville Animal Clinic. “It has been shown to make them live longer and healthier lives as well as minimize the risk of numerous potential medical problems. It’s also the best way to decrease overpopulation.”
Doris Day Animal Foundation CEO T. Robert Bashara said when the foundation learned about NASANA and its work in reducing local euthanasia rates, “we knew we wanted to help.”
“DDAF funds other 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organizations helping animals and the people who love them,” Bashara noted. “The volunteers at NASANA are doing good work, and we’re proud to be able to support their excellent efforts.”
“Our focus is on assisting low-income families because research has shown cost is one of the major obstacles in having pets spayed/neutered in many communities,” added Maguire. “We don’t get any government assistance; grants, donations and fundraisers are what allow us to keep going.”
Maguire said while finances hold many families back, another problem is that a lot of people don’t understand that shelters are continually overcrowded. “An unaltered female cat and her offspring can generate up to 420,000 cats within seven years, and an unaltered female dog and her offspring can generate up to 67,000 dogs in six years,” Maguire said.
She explained spaying and neutering procedures are low-risk, and they also provide health benefits. “It’s not just to prevent too many puppies and kittens. There are statistics that show getting a female spayed early in her life can cut down on mammary tumors by something like 90 percent,” Maguire said. “If you have a male cat neutered, it keeps them from roaming – same with a dog.”
For more information, contact NASANA by visiting or the groups Facebook page, www.Facebook/nasana, or by phone at 256-415-5499.