Street Department considers new garbage truck
During its Jan. 18 meeting, the Russellville City Council voted in favor of considering the purchase of a 2014 Freightliner Automatic Side Loader garbage truck with Heil Rapid Rail Body for $60,000 from the Morgan County Commission.
“We currently have two garbage trucks,” explained Russellville Street Department Superintendent Shannon Wilson, “and having another one would allow us to swap out one truck at a time for needed maintenance, as well as provide a backup in the event that something happened to one of our current trucks.”
In other business, the council voted to renew a $500,000 line of credit with CB&S Bank that was started in 2012. The bank owns the line as prime minus one, floating, currently 2.25 percent, with quarterly interest payments. There is no fee to renew.
The council also approved a resolution to donate a 2001 Ford Crown Victoria to the Russellville Municipal Airport.