Club Chronicles: Garden Club learns how to make flower towers
The Cultura Garden Club’s March meeting was held at the home of Judy Baker.
The meeting was called to order by Hillary Malone Hall, president. Brenda Oliver presented the program on “How to Build a Flower Tower.”
Brenda displayed a flower tower she created using pansies. She said they are easy to build, and you can use any flower plants you want. Petunias make beautiful flower towers.
The supplies needed are 4-foot of galvanized wire fencing with openings; landscape fabric; 6-inch black zip ties; flower pot; dirt; and tools such as a utility knife, aviation snips or tin snips and scissors.
There are multiple websites on Google, such as those from Home Depot, Lowe’s and HGTV, that demonstrate how to create a flower tower. The towers make beautiful accents for patios, court yards and porches.
Martha Sibley gave the Institute on the Town of Mooresville.
Mooresville’s history began in 1805, when the first settlers arrived in the area and set up homesteads on lands occupied by the Chickasaw Indians. Historic Mooresville is the first town incorporated by the Alabama Territorial Legislature, Nov. 16, 1818.
The entire town is on the National Register of Historic Places and is one of Alabama’s most important intact villages.
Historic homes and buildings, gracious gardens and tree-shaded streets make a visit to Mooresville seem like a step back in time. Some of the present inhabitants are descendants of those original settlers.
The town is home to two historic churches, including the old white clapboard Church of Christ where President James A. Garfield once preached. The Brick Church, the Post Office and the Stagecoach Inn and Tavern are maintained by the town’s residents in an effort to preserve some pieces of history.
Often referred to as “Alabama’s Williamsburg,” the entire town of Mooresville is now included in the current listings of the National Register of Historic Places.
Martha shared pictures of the historic buildings and information regarding tours.
Information regarding the annual spring fundraiser was distributed. Hanging baskets and premium garden choices of petunias, millibells, geraniums, dahlia and herbs may be purchased from any Garden Club member. Proceeds from the plant sales will be used to purchase and plant spring flowers in the pots downtown.
The nominating committee chairman presented the slate of officers for the 2020-2022 administration. The slate was unanimously approved. They are: Susie Hovater Malone, president; Debbie Nale, first vice president; Cheri McCain, second vice president; Sherry James, secretary; Carol Dykes, treasurer; Martha Sibley, historian; and Hillary Malone Hall, parliamentarian.
Club Chronicles is written by Susie Hovater Malone.