Letter to the Editor: Roxy says thanks for spectacular production
Dear editor,
“The Roxy’s Christmas Spectacular” was spectacular with its beautiful backdrop, unique props, holiday music, outstanding actors, dancers, singers, characters, special lighting and effects! The Franklin County Arts and Humanities Council is grateful for the community’s support of the successful production.
There are many sponsors the Arts Council wants to recognize: The Alabama State Council on the Arts Grant; Rep. Jamie Kiel; Alabama Central Credit Union; Sibley Oil Company; First Baptist Church; Bedford, Rogers, Bowling and McReynolds; Bowen Family Dentistry; CB&S Bank; Valley State Bank; Eddie’s Collision Repair; Burns Nursing and Rehab; G&G Steel; Green’s Dependable Hardware; Book Lovers Study Club; Cultural Garden Club; Frosty Inn; Hester Printing and Graphics; The Country Cottage; William and Debbie Nale; Franklin Free Press; Atkins Marble and Granite Works; Bank Independent; Big Star of Russellville; Clark Pulley; Community Spirit Bank; EyeCare Professionals; First Metro Bank; Foster and Foster CPAs; Fuller Heating and Air Conditioning; Morgan Chiropractic; Murray’s Tire and Alignment; Sinclair-Lawrence and Associates Insurance Agency; Rhett Bradford State Farm Agency; Strickland and Barksdale; Lee Nickels State Farm Agency; Wood-Thompson Insurance Service; Yogi’s Foodco; Russellville Electric Board; Russellville Water and Sewer Board; Dr. C. Alan Sherrill; Family Pharmacy Group; Franklin Electric Cooperative; Pinkard Funeral Home; and Mayor David Grissom and the Russellville City Council: David Palmer, William Nale, Gary Cummings, Arthur Elliott and Jamie Harris.
Special appreciation goes to Franklin County Schools; Russellville City Schools; Northwest-Shoals Community College; the Franklin County Times; the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce; Franklin County Probate Judge Barry Moore; the Franklin County commissioners; the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office; the City of Russellville; Russellville Fire Department; Russellville Police Department; Russellville Street Department; Russellville Utilities; Gault Signs; Mary Lynn Allen Botts; Ashbury United Methodist Church of Madison; Tara Vincent; Danny Joe Stowe; and Melissa Grissom and the Russellville High School Art Department.
Hillary Malone Hall and Susan Seeley Crittenden are to be commended for the outstanding job they did as co-directors of the production. The Arts Council extends great appreciation to Hillary for writing “The Roxy’s Christmas Spectacular” for the Historic Roxy Theatre. Hillary and Susan did a fantastic job coordinating the auditions, casting and making costume selections as well as working with the cast, schools and parent volunteers in scheduling rehearsals.
Susan made sure the choreography was perfected.
Melissa Godsey worked diligently with the production staff on the musical arrangements.
The mother volunteers were so supportive in helping the children with costumes, hair and make-up and coordinating the children for each scene they were in and making sure they hit their cues.
Ashley Grimes served as costumer and made sure costumes were repaired as needed.
The Arts Council and directors are sincerely grateful for Denise Davis permitting us to use her song “The Holiest of Nights” for the finale of “The Roxy’s Christmas Spectacular.” Cliff Downs of Nashville, Tenn., is commended for his work with Denise in producing this song for our production.
It was a pleasure working with the outstanding cast: Dylan Adkins, Brayden Bales, Alex Bragwell, Chloe Carpenter, Lexi Crittenden, Abby Davis, Destiny Deaton, Gant Dill, Jamie Dozier, Emma Duncan, Amber Ergle, Karlee Faust, Star Gentry, Brent Gonzalez, Jaine Gonzalez, Trent Gonzalez, Anna Gunderman, Cameron Hall, Casen Heaps, Amanda Herring, Courtney Hill, Abigail Hunderman, Karson Hyde, Hannah King, Mady King, Tori Mather, Whitten McGee, Amanda Mouser, Eli Mouser, Maddie Mouser, Anna Carol Porter, Jayna Poss, Brad Pounders, Aaliyah Prince, Julianna Reeves, Bryan Ruiz, Aly Vandiver, Brianna Weeks, Samantha Weeks, Macey Welborn, Aaliyah Wilson, Tammy West, Larry Freeman, Taitum Bishop, Teagan Bishop, Tyde Boyd, Ariel Cothrum, Cooper Crittenden, Addyson Farris, Jaston Franks, Simmie Grace Grimes, Catherine Hall, Madelyn Hatton, Mason Henley, Zade Hester, Aubree Hyde, Darron Jones, Abigail King, Delilah Landers, Keylee Mayfield, Lola Mays, Avery
McReynolds, Ellie McReynolds, Kinzlee Nyles, Logan Nyles, AnnaFaye Prince, Grace Rogers, Lily Rogers, Adilyn Ruiz, Jacelyn Ruiz, Sylvie Smith, Faith South, Alexa Trapp, Daylee Trapp, Eric Winston, and Heaven Winston.
We appreciate everyone’s dedication in learning numerous roles, practicing with the choreographer, changing different costumes throughout the show and having pleasant and understanding attitudes.
Avery Guinn and Gunner Lane were exceptional in the lead roles as the Elf and the Conductor, respectively. Brayden Heaps did a great job as the Elf’s understudy and performed three shows on Saturday as well as other roles throughout the week.
Jonathan Grimes was dedicated in every capacity as stage manager and props lighting effects. Serving as crew were Trey Benford, Levi Crittenden, Abraham Gonzales, Tucker King, Jonathan Morgan and Josh Morgan.
The nativity scene and other props were designed and constructed by Grimes. Sweet Tree Productions monitored the lighting and special effects. Tara Vincent designed and painted several props, including the train, sleigh and taxi.
The Arts Council Board members spent endless hours assisting in every capacity. They coordinated all the meals for the cast, staff, crew and volunteers. They spent countless hours assisting as needed at rehearsals, the sponsors’ special showing and reception and at each performance.
The Board members are volunteers and schedule time around their work schedules and businesses. They are Deborah Nale, Judy Horton, Ann Epperson, Wanda Myrick, Brenda Oliver, Tom Senter, Chase Sparks and P. J. Winston.
The Franklin County Arts and Humanities Council takes pride in the restoration of the Historic Roxy Theatre. Its goal is to present quality, wholesome programs the entire family can enjoy.
The Council not only wants to preserve the Historic Roxy but also wants to revitalize downtown Russellville, enhance tourism and improve the economy in our area.
Susie Hovater Malone
Franklin County Arts and Humanities Council