Book Lovers Club celebrates literacy
GFWC Book Lovers Study Club held its November meeting at the home of Lela Ray, with Martha Sibley serving as co-hostess.
“Hats off to the Arts” was the program presented by Beverly Fuller.
Literacy is one of the club’s main emphases, and she gave suggestions on several good novels for members to read. Some of these included in a list of 15 novels were James Patterson’s “19th Christmas,” which is a murder mystery, and Tom Hanks’ “Uncommon Type,” a short story collection – each story involving a typewriter.
A list of movies was presented by Lela Ray. She listed top-rated movie classics from 1939 through today. New movies to see during the upcoming holidays were also discussed. Everyone seemed to look forward to seeing the new Tom Hanks movie, “A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood,” about the beloved Mister Rogers.
In the business session Martha Sibley gave an update on the Christmas Holiday Tour of Homes, scheduled for Dec. 15 from 1-4:30 p.m. Hostesses’ assignments were made, and the hospitality committee met following the meeting.
Tickets may be purchased from any Book Lovers Study Club member or purchased on the day of the tour at the Russellville First Baptist Church, which will serve as the hospitality center.
As Home Life chairman, I gave a report on the upcoming Every Light a Prayer for Peace and the reception for veterans. Book Lovers’ budget provides a $100 donation for this local project that will be held at the Franklin County Courthouse Dec. 5. Members also contributed to the Canine Project—Give a Dog a Job.
An institute was given on Book Lovers Literary History.
Club president Patricia Cox presented the report on the successful Breast Cancer Wellness Walk. More than $2,000 was raised for this project, and members were given appreciation for a job well done.
Members were reminded of the observations for the month of November. These included Veterans Day; American Education Week; America Recycles Day; Child Safety & Protection; National Children’s Book Week; National Alzheimer’s Disease Month; and Thanksgiving Day.