Alfa aims to inspire leadership at RBHS
Messages that encouraged spreading kindness, displaying servant leadership, lending a hand and standing up against bullying left an impression on students at Red Bay High School last week.
Professional speaker and entertainer Wiley Bailey delivered these messages, punctuated with banjo-picking and singing, during a school assembly Friday in an event sponsored by Alfa Insurance as part of its new Alfa Cares About Kids program.
Bailey used the illustration of a man who was in need of help. After being passed by two men who refused to help, the third man to pass took the time to help.
“We all need to be that third man,” Bailey said. “The world is in need of a lot more third men.”
Bailey said he hoped the students would leave the assembly and remember to be that person who is willing to make an effort to reach out and help everyone.
To conclude the event, every student received a bracelet with the message “Become the Third Man.” They were encouraged to wear the keepsake and to put the lessons they learned into action each time they look at the bracelet.
All students were given the chance to win a $25 gift card by spreading the word on social media. Students who took a picture with the Alfa Cares sign or their “become the third man” bracelet and posted it on social media with the assigned hashtags by a certain time were entered to win. There were nine winners at Red Bay.
On top of encouraging students, Alfa also presented $400 to Red Bay High School to go toward school supplies.