Club Chronicles: Delta Kappa Gamma celebrates Founders Day
Delta Kappa Gamma Alpha Upsilon Chapter hosted the Annual DKG Founders Day Celebration May 6 at the North Highlands Church of Christ in Russellville.
Special guests included members from the Shoals chapters of Alpha Sigma, Gamma Chi and Lambda. A total of 40 educators enjoyed a seated dinner.
The fellowship hall was decorated beautifully with white, floor-length linen tablecloths draped with red toppers, accented with fresh spring flower arrangements including red roses – the DKG club flower.
As a favor, an ornate hand fan was given to each attendee.
As president, I called the meeting to order and presented the welcome. Cheri McCain gave the Inspirational Thought and Invocation. A Moment of DKG Society Orientation was given by Joyce Strickland.
Beverly Donaldson, past president DKG Beta State, presented the program on the Delta Kappa Gamma Founders Leadership and Legacy. This year marks the 90th anniversary of this women teachers’ organization. May 11, 1929, Dr. Annie Webb Blanton – along with the other founding members of DKG – met at the University Faculty Women’s Club on the campus of the University of Texas in Austin to form what is now the Delta Kappa Gamma Society International.
Today more than 65,000 members across 17 countries, and encompassing 78 state organizations, make up this Society.
Each year DKG Alpha Upsilon honors a senior girl who has the highest grade point average at the school where a DKG member teaches. The girls and their mothers are invited to attend our May dinner meeting.
The following were presented gifts: Amber Franks of Belgreen High School; Karley Welborn of Phil Campbell High School; Emma Grace Russell of Red Bay High School; and Melissa Sebastian Tomas of Russellville High School.
Louise Hester, Membership Committee, introduced our new DKG Alpha Upsilon members: Talitha Fleming, Judy Baker and Debbie Beason.
Debbie Nale, fundraising chairperson, conducted the DKG Give Away Drawing. This is the only fundraiser our organization holds. The proceeds go toward members’ professional developments, World Fellowship and scholarships.
Appreciation was given to everyone who participated in the successful fundraiser. Sponsors of the DKG Give Away were also recognized for their support.
The meeting closed with the singing of the Delta Kappa Gamma Song. Guests were invited to tour the newly-remodeled and decorated church, which includes floor-to-ceiling paintings along the classroom hallways by a local artist, depicting the stories of the Bible.
Club Chronicles is written by Susie Hovater Malone.