First Free Will Baptist Church holds toiletry giveaway
May 4 Russellville’s First Free Will Baptist Church held a toiletry giveaway.
At least 25 women’s toiletry bags and about 20 men’s bags were given out at the event, which began at 9 a.m. and continued until the available bags had been handed out. Approximately 25 “combined” bags were distributed – bags containing items in addition to toiletries, such as cleaning supplies and food. A more limited amount of those items was available.
“You can get food stamps to help some with meals, but getting toiletries and cleaning supplies can be more of a challenge,” explained church volunteer Melanie Fuller. “Our goal with this event was to help fill a need that was perhaps not being met otherwise. We have had giveaways specifically for food in the past, but that was not the focus this time.”
In total, Fuller said the giveaway helped 36 households.
“One of our members, Morgan Green, works for Village Discount Drugs in Muscle Shoals,” said church volunteer Nikki Mayfield. “They have been very generous in helping us be able to provide items for donations. This makes it easier for us, being a small church, to be able to reach out and show our community we care and offer help as we can.”
Volunteers said the goal is to hold a giveaway about once per quarter. The next one might be in or near August.
Information about upcoming events will be available on the church’s Facebook page and on its website,