Club Chronicles: Book Lovers Study Club receives awards
The Alabama Federation of Women’s Clubs held its 124th Annual Convention this past weekend at the Lake Guntersville State Park Lodge. Representing GFWC Book Lovers Study Club were President Patricia Cox, Cheri McCain, Brenda Oliver and myself. The convention was attended by club women throughout the State of Alabama.
The convention theme, “Hats On as Women Purse-ue Careers,” was chosen to coincide with the AFWC President’s Special Project: Celebrating 125 Years of Changing Lives through Scholarships.
The luncheons and banquets featured decorations that correlated with the theme, such as “Women in the Military” hats and uniforms, “International/Ethnic Hats and Scholarships” and “Historical Hats.”
Each event included outstanding speakers. Col. Arnetta E. Minney, human resources officer for the headquarters of the Alabama National Guard, gave an informative presentation on women in the military. Callie Walker, Miss Alabama 2018, talked about her many experiences and her travels as Miss Alabama, as well as her experience being selected as one of the top 10 finalists in the Miss America Pageant.
At the Saturday luncheon, Jason Mallet, Jacksonville State University International House coordinator, spoke on the program’s benefits for international students. He introduced Chioma Ugochukwu, AFWC Scholarship Recipient. She is an impressive young lady from Nigeria. She shared some of her trials and her accomplishments. Chioma expressed appreciation for the AFWC scholarship and how it has assisted in her education.
The Saturday night banquet speaker was Sen. Arthur Orr. As Alabama Bicentennial Commission chairman, he presented the many activities planned for 200 Alabama Bicentennial.
The highlight of the convention was the presentation of scholarships and awards. AFWC presented $14,600 in scholarships this year. This amount does not include the annual scholarships presented to the Miss Alabama Pageant and the Distinguished Young Woman’s Program.
GFWC Book Lovers Study Club won the GFWC Alabama Suellen Brazil Outstanding Club in Alabama award. Other awards included first place Home Life CSP Partnership Award and Creativity Home Life Award; first [lace Arts CSP Award; first place Women’s History & Resource Center Award; first place Membership Award; first place Community/Public Relations Award; AFWC President’s Award of Excellence; and recognition for contributions to Membership Growth, the Scholarship Fund and the 2728 Society.
Book Lovers Study Club received one of the four $900 Yearbook Scholarships from the University of Alabama. Book Lovers will present this scholarship to a senior girl who will be attending the university in the fall.
Club Chronicles is written by Susie Hovater Malone.