Club Chronicles: Education retirees learn about library programs
The Franklin County Education Retirees Association held its April meeting at the Russellville First United Methodist Church. A delicious luncheon was provided by CB&S Bank.
Ashley Cummins, library director of the Russellville Public Library, presented the program. Using PowerPoint she discussed the many resources, activities, technologies and programs that are offered at the library.
Some of these include four access computers, printing services, online resources, Alabama Virtual Library, Homework Alabama, Learning Express Library, Academic & Careers, encyclopedia, Alabama Mosaic, historical references, Ancestry Library Edition, Wi-Fi Hotspots, projectors and screens.
There are 25,000 books available in the library as well as audio books and DVDs. The library has a children’s area and offers programs for all ages.
Another service offered is the cake pan checkout. The library has more than 100 different cake pans available. At the meeting Elizabeth Daniel, retired teacher, donated 75 more cake pans to the library’s program.
The programs at the library include Pre K-Story Time on the first Friday at 10:30 a.m.; Free Family Movie on the second Saturday at 11 a.m.; and adult programs every third Saturday at 10:30 a.m.
The Friends of the Library sponsor a bookstore for the public to purchase books. Proceeds from this project go back into the library.
Recently the Russellville Public Library received the Bronze Standard of Excellence for Library Achievement Award.
Judy Ory and Sandy Gibson reported on the AERA Legislative Day they attended in Montgomery. They attended the AERA Reception and were bused to the statehouse.
Cathy Archer gave an update on legislative actions taken or being considered that affect education retirees.
Delores Sparks reported on the incentive for increasing membership of the AERA. As she stated, “We have strength in numbers, so let’s work on recruiting new members.”
The AERA Annual meeting will be held at the Pelham Civic Complex May 7. Five delegates to attend this meeting were approved by the members.
Members also approved presenting a $400 scholarship to Northwest-Shoals Community College for an individual going into the education field.
Club Chronicles is written by Susie Hovater Malone.