RCS advises of meal plan changes
Russellville City Schools held its annual Tiger Pride Night April 11 in the RCS Auditorium. In addition to being a time to celebrate student accomplishments and everything RCS has to offer, it was an informative night, as Child Nutrition Program director Elaine Vaughn shared about upcoming changes to the school system’s meal plan.
Vaughn shared a change in the upcoming school year’s breakfast and lunch plan. RCS no longer qualifies for the Community Eligibility Provision it has been receiving the past four years to offer breakfast and lunch to all students free of charge; however, RCS can apply for another federal program: Provision 2.
To qualify, each family will need to complete a Free and Reduced Application. These will be made available in July, and the school is asking they be completed and returned by July 26. The applications will be processed to see if RCS meets the qualifications for Provision 2.
In May RCS will be sending notes home with students asking for the correct mailing addresses and phone numbers for each child. This is so the school can make sure each family receives an application.