Club Chronicles: Delta Kappa Gamma members learn about dyslexia
The Delta Kappa Gamma Alpha Upsilon Chapter of Franklin County held its April meeting at Russellville West Elementary School. Serving as hostesses were Brenda Oliver, Karen Mitchell, Donna Bolton and Sandy Gibson.
Guest speaker Jill Gatlin, director of the Dyslexia Center of the Shoals, presented an interesting program on dyslexia. Dyslexia is a reading disorder that is characterized by trouble with reading despite normal intelligence, motivation and education. People with dyslexia often start displaying difficulty in reading while at school and face difficulties in spelling words, reading quickly and writing words. Dyslexia is not new, but because of technology and scientific breakthroughs, the understanding of it is new.
Dyslexia affects one in five to some degree.
Building a meaningful life and career while suffering from dyslexia is challenging, but it is not impossible. Many famous people who have struggled with dyslexia include Steve Jobs, Steven Spielberg, Whoopi Goldberg, Albert Einstein, Thomas Edison, Tom Cruise, Tim Tebow, Magic Johnson, Alexander Graham Bell, Winston Churchill, Henry Ford, Henry Winkler, Cher and the list goes on.
Mrs. Gatlin discussed some of the accommodations that are used in schools. Supplemental information listing resources, books, movies, You Tube Videos, organizations, and technology tools was distributed to members.
Each member donated a dozen filled eggs for the FAME Girls’ Ranch Easter Egg Hunt.
The American Cancer Society was another project supported by the members this month. A cash donation of $105 was collected for the Cancer Relay for Life.
Karen Mitchell presented the Moment of Society Orientation. She reviewed the Delta Kappa Gamma Song and discussed the meaning and history of selected lyric. The Inspirational Thought was given by Brenda Oliver.
Debbie Nale, fundraiser chairman, distributed tickets to members to sell for the DKG Give Away. The Give Away package includes two gift cards, three dinner vouchers, two rounds of golf at Robert Trent Jones and a gold bracelet. Opportunities may be purchased for $5 from any DKG member. The drawing will be May 6.
Molly Bates reported on legislative bills that could affect education if passed by the state legislature this session.
Membership chairperson Kim Burney reminded members that DKG dues for the 2019-2020 calendar year were due by the May meeting.
Club Chronicles is written by Susie Hovater Malone.