4-H’ers bring home awards from Skillathon, Quiz Bowl competitions
Franklin 4-H agent Janet Lovelady and Colbert 4-H agent Leslie Goins were chaperones for the trip.
“Participation in livestock Quiz Bowl and Skillathon is a new activity in Franklin County 4-H,” Lovelady said.
This team, along with other 4-H students, will be participating in livestock judging in the spring, and Lovelady said this event helped them prepare for that. She said she strongly encouraged and pushed for Franklin County’s participation in the event.
“It’s a great foundation to build on with an outstanding group of kids,” Phil Campbell agriculture teacher and team coach Caleb Beason said.
The event involved several categories the students had to study for over winter break, like identification of different livestock feeds, medications, breeds and meat cuts.
Thomas, Grissom and Swinney placed third as a senior Quiz Bowl team. Thomas placed sixth in the individual overall Skillathon. LeMay earned numerous individual Skillathon awards and was a member of the first-place intermediate Quiz Bowl team.