Red Bay accepts bid for playground equipment
New playground equipment is on the way for the Red Bay Fun Park.
The Red Bay City Council, in its rescheduled meeting June 7, opened bids for playground equipment renovation at the fun park. The council awarded the project to the lowest bidder, in the amount of $17,784, which was Great Southern Recreation, out of Murfreesboro, Tenn.
“This playground equipment will be paid for from the capital improvement fund,” Mayor Charlene Fancher explained. “This playground equipment is old, and several of the items were beyond repair.” Additionally, several of the pieces of playground equipment needed to be addressed as the city takes steps to become ADA-compliant at the fun park, making sure all facilities and equipment are accessible to those with disabilities. New equipment is expected within six weeks.
The council also accepted a bid for the interest rate on financing the purchase of a dozer for the landfill, awarded to Community Spirit Bank at 1.81 percent for five years.
The council also:
- Voted to transfer Kyle Gober from the street department to the police department as a patrol officer.
- Added Jessie Holland as supernumerary member of the Senior Citizen Board.
- Reappointed Scotty Kennedy, Don Spencer and Mandy Morrow to the Zoning Board of Adjustment.
- Reappointed Alan Bostick and Troy James to the Alabama-Mississippi Railroad Authority.
- Moved the July 3 council meeting to July 10, in light of the Fourth of July holiday, and designated July 3 as an extra holiday for city employees.
The next regularly-scheduled meeting of the Red Bay City Council will be held June 19 at 7 p.m. preceded by a work session at 6:30 p.m.