Extension hosts contest for Watermelon fest
By Staff
Slade Gilmer
The Franklin County Extension System will be holding three contests for the Watermelon Festival: a food contest based around watermelon, a photography contest, and an essay contest.
The food fest was an idea that manifested itself due, in large part, to the Extension System's work in the community.
"Since extension deals with agriculture and food," said Franklin County Extension Coordinator Katernia Cole, "I thought it would be appropriate to have a food fest for the Watermelon festival."
The contest will consist of eight categories: beverages, appetizers, salads, entrees, salsas, desserts, pickles and relishes and carved baskets. All food items must feature watermelon as the main ingredient.
The recipes of the dishes must be attached, and should include the name, address, phone number, email address and the category the dish belongs to.
The recipes and dishes are due on Thursday, August 13 at the Russellville Police Department and Municipal Court Auditorium between 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.
The winners will be announced at the opening ceremonies on Friday, August 14. The prizes are $50 for first prize, $35 for second and $20 for third. Winners must be present to earn the prize.
The photography contest entrants will be on display at the Roxy Theater on Saturday, August 15 from 10:00 a.m-4:00 p.m.
Contestants must use the watermelon theme, and there are two divisions: adults for those 19 and older and youth for those 18 and younger.
The four categories are people, scenic, action and still life. The photos must be in color, and measure between five by seven inches and 18×18 inches.
The photo should be posted on a poster board no larger than 20×20 inches. The photo should include your name, address, phone number and category of photo on the back.
Entries are due at the Extension Office by Tuesday, August 10, and prizes will be awarded for the top 3 finishers. Prizes are $20 for first, $15 for second and $10 for third. Winners will also be announced
The essay contest will have the theme "Why I Enjoy the Watermelon Festival," and is eligible for two categories: Category I for children ages 7-9, while Category II for children ages 10-12.
The essays must be one page, typed or neatly hand-written, and must be the original work of the author. Essays must include the name, school, grade, teacher, home address, phone number and parents name on them.
Deadline to enter the contest is Tuesday, August 10. Prizes will be awarded in both categories, with $30 going to the winner, $25 to the second prize winner and $20 to the third prize winner. Also, the winners will receive a plaque.
Cole believes this will be a great way to showcase the talent in this area.
"This is a good chance to highlight Franklin Co.," Cole said.
For more information, call the Extension Office at 332-8880.