Russellville complex given national award
By Staff
Jonathan Willis
A local housing complex has been honored with a national award.
Village Square Apartments in Russellville recently received a certificate as a "Community of Quality" through the National Affordable Housing Management Association.
Village Square's manager Annette Wells, received the certificate from the Southeastern Affordable Housing Management Association's president Michael Johnson at a state meeting in March.
To be recognized as a NAHMA Community of Quality, housing providers must create safe, attractive, well-maintained properties that are neighborhood assets.
The property must meet NAHMA's high standards in physical maintenance, financial management, programs and services and employee credentials.
Wells said that once all the criteria are met, a property qualifies for regional and national awards and is listed in a registry of the country's top affordable properties.
"It was a great honor to receive the certificate for Village Square and I want to say a special thank you to local businesses, the mayor's office and the Department of Human Resources for writing letters of endorsement."