50 Years Ago
By Staff
Traffic Toll Triples Estimate for Year
Automobile accidents over the weekend brought the total motor vehicle fatalities in Franklin County to three times a 1954 estimate made by the Alabama Safety Council, put three others in the hospital and demolished two vehicles.
Fifteenth county death for a year in which five traffic fatalities were predicted was Marshall Overton, 35, Hodges, route one. Overton died Saturday night at 11, some 15 minutes after he reached Franklin County Hospital.
New Look is Planned for Christmas Here
Christmas in Russellville this year will have a brand new look about it from the lights that span the downtown streets to the suit Santa Claus will wear for his annual Christmas Eve visit to the community. The invocations were voted into being Tuesday when the directors of the Russellville Chamber of Commerce met.
Derby, Bonnet Prevail at Golden Age Party
Mrs. Alice Hill and Will Norris belied their more than 70 years Sunday afternoon when they appeared decked out in miniature old-fashioned bonnet and derby. The headgear became theirs because they were the best milliners at a Golden Age party held in the Veterans Home for all Russellville residents who were 70 or older.
Devotional was brought by Mrs. W.W. Hudson, and Mrs. Nathan Hoover awarded prizes.