City potholes
By Staff
May 23, 2004
Here is a list of city potholes compiled from reports to The Pothole Patrol and forwarded to Mayor John Robert Smith, Public Works Director Monty Jackson and city
10th Avenue, southbound lane between 40th and 45th streets.
13th Street, the 1500 block.
19th Street, between 35th and 36th avenues.
16th Avenue, just south of 14th Street.
20th Street Extension, on the East Mississippi State Hospital side before the security entrance.
23rd Avenue, between 21st and 22nd streets.
23rd Avenue, in front of Magnolia Cemetery.
33rd Avenue, between 4203 33rd Ave. and 40th Street.
34th Street and 40th Avenue, four potholes that are
18- to 24-inches wide.
36th Street, between 23rd Avenue and Poplar Springs Drive.
52nd Avenue, between Highway 39 North and Lamar School.
58th Place, Woodview Estates.