Outdoor Notes
By Staff
special to The Star
March 19, 2004
Mississippi's Ronnie "Cuz" Strickland regales his experiences of the wonderful world of turkey hunting in his latest book from Stoeger Publishing, "The Whole Truth About Spring Turkey Hunting According to Cuz.'" This new book offers rollicking and sometimes sidesplitting tales of turkey hunting and turkey hunting lore from someone whose experience in the field spans several decades. These southern fried tales will keep readers turning the pages of this new 120-page book.
Years of experience in the outdoor industry both behind a firearm, and now behind the lens of a camera, provide Cuz with plenty of tales to tell. His low-key approach and southern style of story telling add a unique flavor to this book. "The Whole Truth About Spring Turkey Hunting According to Cuz.'" takes readers on adventures of misery, mistakes, misadventures and even success, all of which portray the truth about hunting spring gobblers. It is experiences like these that keep spring turkey hunters coming back for more and sets them apart from other hunters. The uniquely spun tales are not designed to teach or instruct, however, upon the completion of the book, readers will have learned a thing or two about turkey hunting in a manner, which only Cuz can share.
Entry Level Hearing Device
For individuals who are interested in testing out the many uses of hearing amplification while in the field, Walker's Game Ear is offering the Ultra Ear@. This new product offers consumers the opportunity to try sound amplification in the field in a cost-effective manner.
The Ultra Ear@ is a low cost hearing amplification system that is lightweight and can be used in either ear. An adjustment system allows the user to modify tone and volume for optimum hearing. It also incorporates a mild compression circuit to help muffle muzzle blasts.
Unlike, the other Game Ear products, the Ultra Ear@ is imported from China is not waterproof and comes with no warranty. According to Bob Walker, founder of Walker's Game Ear, "We decided to import this product for those that want to test the waters of hearing amplification. It is not intended, nor could it ever compare or compete with our complete line of state-of-the-art Game Ear products. We are confident that once consumers hear what they have been missing in the field they will understand all of the benefits of our line of premier products."
The Ultra Ear is available at sporting goods stores nationwide and online at www.WalkersGameEar.com. The suggested retail price of this new product is $39.95.