MYBA looks into need for new facility for summer league
By Staff
Four homers and
you're out
This Saturday's men's softball tournament at the Sammie Davidson Complex is not for the teams that rely strictly on the home-run ball.
After a team hits four home runs over the fence in a game, any other hits that go over the fence are counted as outs.
Anyone interested in playing this weekend can call Mott at 482-3639.
In last week's men's tournament, A.S.C. of Columbus came in first. Miken Sports of Meridian placed third. The regular league softball season at Sammie Davidson gets under way in early May.
New MYSO weekday schedule works
In a way, the Meridian Youth Soccer Organization remade itself this year by playing league games on the weekdays. With one week left in the spring season, MSO vice president Brad Sims said the change worked well.
Sims noted that playing weeknights helped avoid conflicts with deer hunters and football fans in the fall. And it helped those who were involved with the select groups and had weekend tournaments.
There were about 700 players involved this year. The league winners will advance to the district tournaments in Jackson next month.
Registration under way
for Anderson Cup
The 21st Anderson Cup is set for April 10.
Race director Joel Johnson said the race draws about 150 contestants each year. For more information, call 553-6622.
Johnson confirmed that the annual Lamar Raider 5K run has been cancelled this year. The race was to be directed by Ed Abdell, who has been called to active duty in Iraq.
In other MAA news, Brentt Thompson, a member of the Meridian Athletic Association, is ranked 54th in the nation in the USCF category 2 Road Race rankings. Visit the MAA's website at
Four USTA Tournaments set for weekend
There will be four USTA tennis tournaments held at the Northeast Tennis Complex this weekend.
There will be two women's 4.0 division tournaments, a women's 2.5 tournament and a men's 4.0 tournament. There will be 16 players competing in each tournament. Two women's tournaments will be played Saturday, while the men's tournament and a women's tournament will be held Sunday.
Covington ranked No. 1 in 14-and-under division
Wade Covington of Meridian has been ranked the No. 1 player in the Mississippi Tennis Association's rankings for boys 14 and under.
Covington is also ranked No. 75 in the Southern Rankings, which includes 209 players.
Covington and Aaron Decamp of Brandon are ranked No. 1 in the boys 14-and-under division in the MTA. Covington and Bryan Barham, also of Meridian, are scheduled to play in a tournament in Grenada this weekend.