By Staff
April 10 House High School Class of 1949 is planning its 55th reunion at Howard Johnson's in Meridian. Reacquaintance time begins at 5 p.m. followed by dinner at 7 p.m. Dinner is $25 per person. Make reservations by March 10 by writing Quentine Goforth, 11531 Road 701, Union, MS 39365.
April 15-18 The USS Tarawa (CV-40 and LHA-1) Veterans Association is looking for mates and announcing its 15th annual reunion. For information, call Chas E. Huck (812) 612-4219 or e-mail Call Walter Tothero at (765) 362-6937 or e-mail
April 24 Family reunion for the descendants of John N. Brooks and Millicent Moore is at the Collinsville Community Center. Doors will open at 10 a.m. and lunch will be served at noon with all the excellent food that everyone so graciously prepares each year. Invited to this year's reunion are descendants of Betty Brooks and William "Billy" Thames; Mary Brooks and Nathaniel Pierce Dean; Millie Brooks and John Dennis Harrison; Martha Brooks and Will Castles and second husband Wiley Johnson; William Robert and Martha Hitt Brooks; Jesse "Tom" and Mandy Williams Brooks; William Henry "Will" and Mary Beeman Brooks; Hardy Marshall and Georgia Lou Castles Brooks; Berry and Estelle Calvert Brooks; and Walter and Carrie Clearman Brooks. For information, contact Allen Francis "Frank" Harrison at (228) 249-6631 or send e-mail to
May 1 The Ponta School Reunion will be at Andrew's Chapel Methodist Church Family Life Center, 9203 Hillview Drive, Meridian. Fellowship begins at 5 p.m. followed by a meal at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $12 per person. Make checks payable to: Ponta School Reunion, 7693 Highway 493, Meridian, MS 39305. Deadline is April 23. All former students, employees and their spouses are invited to attend. Call 681-8312 or 679-1887.