Swink, Harris
By Staff
Jill Davidson of Meridian announces the engagement of her daughter, Krista LeShelle Swink, to Christopher Lee Harris, son of Ray and Lisa Harris of DeSoto.
The wedding will be Saturday, March 13, 2004, at 4 p.m. at DeSoto Baptist Church.
Miss Swink is the granddaughter of A.L. and Clarice Davidson of Meridian.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Enterprise High School and is attending Meridian Community College. She is employed at The Children's Education Connection.
Mr. Harris is the grandson of Christine Riley of DeSoto and the late Edgar Riley; Faye Allen of Enterprise and Raymond Harris of Stonewall.
The bridegroom-elect is a graduate of Quitman High School. He is employed by the East Mississippi Correctional Facility.
Family and friends are invited to attend.