Aug. 25, 2002
By Staff
40th anniversary
The Rev. Donald and Mary Talley of Lena, La., celebrated their 40th anniversary on June 17, 2002. The couple was married by the bride's father, the Rev. Hugh A. Bishop of Moscow, Kan., and the Rev. Robert Boyette at Arrow Heights Church of God in Anderson, Ind. The couple was honored at a dinner on June 21, 2002, at Ole Farm Beef House by their sons, David and Daniel Talley, and their families, all of Meridian. At the time of their marriage the couple also began their ministry to the Lord. They pastored Jones Chapel Church of God in the Clarkdale Community in the 1980s are are currently at First Church of God in Lena, La. The couple also has a daughter, Cynthia Luther; and six grandchildren.