Snell, Collins
By Staff
Tommy and Libby Snell of Toomsuba announce the engagement of their daughter, Manian Elise, to Jeremy Walter Collins, son of Dale and Gray Collins of Toomsuba.
The wedding will be Saturday, Aug. 10, 2002 at 4 p.m. at First Baptist Church of Lauderdale.
Miss Snell is the granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Horace L. Scott of Meridian and the late Nondas Suttle Scott, and the late Elwin and Eleanor Snell of Meridian.
The bride-elect is a graduate of Northeast Lauderdale High School and received an associate's degree from Meridian Community College. She will be a junior at University of West Alabama in the fall, pursuing a degree in special education.
While attending MCC, she was a member of the 2002 MCC Circle of Excellence and the 2002 recipient of the H.M. Ivy Scholarship and Award. She was a member of the 2002 Mississippi Academic Team, Baptist Student Union Drama Team Leader and Phi Theta Kappa historian.
Mr. Collins is the grandson of Margaret Pritchett of Toomsuba and the late Tommy Pritchett, and the late Odie and Bernadean Collins of Quitman.
The bridegroom-elect is a graduate of Northeast Lauderdale High School. He is currently attending the University of West Alabama pursuing a degree in athletic training and education.
At UWA, he is a member of the Baptist Student Union, Drama Team and UWA Sports Medicine Club.
Mr. Collins is employed by Mississippi Food Service.
A reception will be held at Toomsuba Baptist Church following the ceremony. Friends and family are invited to attend.