Pieces of history
By Staff
July 14, 2002
Hundreds of area residents and visitors flocked to an auction at the old Soul Steam Feed Works factory last week and many of them left with pieces of history. The machinery, gears, patterns, equipment and furnishings auctioned off illustrate not only more than 100 years in a once-flourishing company's life; they also tell a compelling story about quality workmanship.
It is true that Soul made, used and repaired products that were more useful in the age of steam than in the age of electronics. But we should remember that this company helped build Meridian and provided good jobs for skilled workers. Its products are known worldwide and, on a global scope, Soul contributed to improving the quality of life for people in many countries.
Since the steam engine launched the Industrial Revolution, and since Soul played such a meaningful role in it, we hope some of the pieces of history auctioned off last week will, one day, find their way to a museum of steam-related objects. And, since Soul made its home in Meridian, our city would seem to be a fine place for such a venture.