Property tax rolls ready for public inspection
By Staff
Lauderdale County's 2002 property tax rolls compiled by Tax Assessor Jimmy Slay were approved and accepted Thursday by the board of supervisors, meeting as the board of equalization.
Supervisors recessed a meeting for about an hour in order to serve as the board of equalization in the official acceptance of the new tax rolls.
Property owners have until 5 p.m. on Aug. 5 to send a written request for a hearing before the board, along with supporting evidence such as a recent private appraisal or bill of purchase to the Chancery Clerk's office.
The property tax rolls are available for public inspection in the Chancery Clerk's office located on the first floor of the Lauderdale County Courthouse. Written requests for a hearing should be mailed to Chancery Clerk Ann Wilson Hayes, P.O. Box 1583, Meridian, MS 39302. For more information, property owners may call 482-9701.
Lynette Wilson
July 19, 2002