MEMA pushes for statewide aid compact
By By Lynette Wilson / staff writer
July 11, 2002
Mississippi emergency officials put forth their best case Wednesday for Meridian and Lauderdale County leaders to join a statewide compact to share manpower and equipment in times of need.
The Mississippi Emergency Management Agency planted the seed for the Statewide Mutual Aid Compact, or SMAC, on Wednesday at Mississippi State University-Meridian Campus.
Law enforcement officials, firefighters, emergency workers and elected officials from nine counties met at MSU-Meridian for a MEMA-sponsored mock-disaster to promote interagency communication and preparedness.
MEMA also hoped to persuade cities and counties to join SMAC.
Latham said MEMA takes an all-hazards approach to emergency management and must be prepared for floods, hurricanes, hazardous materials spills and, now, terrorist attacks.