Mike Tyson has become quite a bore
By Staff
Jan. 10, 2002
I'm bored with Mike Tyson.
Not angry, irritated, upset or feeling any other emotion but boredom. I'm bored with a millionaire who should have the world in the palm of his hand but who can't keep his pants up or his fists down.
The recent episode in Cuba was the last straw. Blowing his stack when asked questions, throwing things at people, heavy hotel lobby decorations that could have seriously hurt somebody. Loss of privacy is one of the prices Tyson pays for being able to make $20 million between less than three minutes to just over a half hour.
At the age of 34 it's time for the former champion to grow up. He's not an interesting character any longer. He's predictable and a bore.
But "Iron Mike" has his defenders, bleeding hearts who still comfort him and turn the clock back to Tyson's childhood in order to place blame. At 34 Tyson is no longer a child. He's a grown man who has had adequate time to grow up but hasn't.
This is the example to our children, a man who was convicted of rape and sentenced to six years, then turned loose after less for good behavior. The same Mike Tyson who later took a bite out of Evander Holyfield's ear, punched out a 62-year-old and kneed a 50-year-old after a minor traffic accident.
Richard S. Lustberg, Ph.D, who hosts a sports radio show called "The Psychology of Sports" commented on the fight in which Holyfield knocked out Tyson.
Childlike? Say what?
The child Mike Tyson had it tough. There is no doubt. His mother and sister both died. He had no family to which he could turn. It is reported that in the classroom he terrified the teacher. He is said to have groped girls and roughed up other boys.
Has he really changed much?
Nicholas Regush produces medical features for ABC News. He also writes books such as "Breaking Point. Understanding Your Potential for Violence." He too says society must share the blame for what Mike Tyson is today.
In Tyson's case he has developed his own environment, an environment of wealth and fame, big houses and long limousines, of beautiful women at his beck and call, fine clothes and expensive jewelry.
Doesn't that count? Or are we to overlook his adulthood and remember only his bitter childhood from which he has economically freed himself?
It's too late, Mr. Regush. Yes, society must share the blame for what Mike Tyson was as a child. What he has become as a man is, however, of his own choice.
What he was at age 20 was a shining new star, an interesting personality with the opportunity to become an immortal in his chosen sport.
What he is today is a brutish bore. And regardless of what his sympathizers might say, he has no one to blame but himself.