May 9, 2001
By Staff
Jimmie Rodgers: Back from the brink'
To the Editor:
On behalf of the Jimmie Rodgers Foundation and the board of directors, I want to express my sincere gratitude to the fine people of Meridian and the surrounding communities whose tremendous support has literally pulled the festival back from the brink of extinction.
To our corporate sponsors, your financial assistance and good will could not have come at a more critical time. We could not have continued the festival if not for you. To the print, radio and television media, your generous coverage and positive spirit have provided us encouragement that our efforts are not in vain.
To the Lauderdale County Board of Tourism, the city of Meridian and the Lauderdale County Board of Supervisors, your professional service and expertise have literally made our efforts become reality.
And, finally, to the Jimmie Rodgers membership and supporters, your undying loyalty is the backbone of our existence.
Jimmie Rodgers is truly an American legend whose legacy is befitting of the rich culture and heritage of this city and community. The goal of our board is to make the festival a source of community pride, and a centerpiece of our cultural legacy.
Your support has been and will continue to be crucial to our efforts. I am pleased to report that the foundation is in a much better position financially and otherwise than in the recent past.
Jimmie's back … and he is back to stay.
Todd N. Adkins, M.D.
Jimmie Rodgers Foundation
Students say thanks for newspapers
To the Editor:
My class and I would like to thank you for supplying the newspapers during Black History Week. While this letter I write to you today is somewhat late in responding, it is never too late to say thanks.
I knew a vast majority of my students had little or no access to newspapers. So I reviewed the parts of the newspaper with them. Then I made a scavenger hunt from each edition. As I watched them search wildly through them, they looked like miniature adults reading the paper at the breakfast table. They became aware of current events while expanding their reading comprehension. I plan to search for a grant to help connect the newspaper and current events to the classroom. Wish me luck!
Until then, I appreciate your help in arming each child with their own "newspaper" for a unique learning experience. It was a joy for everyone.
Carleen Gilmore
Fifth grade teacher
Newton County Elementary School
Editor's note: Ms. Gilmore's letter was accompanied by the following hand-written letters from some of her students:
To the Editor:
Thank you very much for sending us newspapers. I have learned what's in the newspaper and how to use it. I will probably read the newspaper more at my house. Well, I just wanted to thank you for the newspapers because I learned a lot.
Colton Amis
To the Editor:
Thank you so much for the newspapers. We had a scavenger hunt in one of my classes and they really came in handy. I never really read the newspaper but now I notice how interesting they can be. Once again, thank you so much. It helped and I enjoyed it.
Brittney Cochran
To the Editor:
Thank you for letting us have these papers. I've enjoyed reading them.
John Hand
To the Editor:
Thank you so much for letting the Newton County school use some of your newspapers. We really enjoyed them and the scavenger hunt we did.
Amanda Blackburn
To the Editor:
Hi, my name is Chelsea Pugh. I am almost 11 and in the 5th grade. I just wanted to write you guys and thank you so much for letting us have these newspapers. That was very kind of you. My favorite part of it was the sports page. I loved to read the sports. Well, thanks again, so much.
Chelsea Pugh
To the Editor:
Thank you for letting my school have these newspapers. Me and my friends really enjoyed them.
Brandie Dyess