East Franklin crowns Leela Baker
Homecoming at East Franklin Junior High School leads to one Rebel girl being crowned queen, and this year the honor went to Leela Baker, daughter of Floyd and Janet Baker and the late Jason Baker. She was escorted by Keaton Baker, son of Justin and Wensalee Baker.
Other representatives on the Homecoming Court were: eighth-grade representative Chaley Bullington, daughter of Chase Bullington and Tiffany Bullington, escorted by Jonah Stancil, son of John Stancil and Veronica Bragwell; ninth-grade representative Avery Cummings, daughter of Gary and Mandy Cummings, escorted by Ethan Hallman, son of Larry Hallman and Jocelynn Edmonds; ninth-grade representative Melanie Gonzalez, daughter Jose and Norma Gonzalez, escorted by Isaac Duboise, son of Jay and Jamie Duboise; and seventh-grade representative Layla Baker, daughter of Floyd and Janet Baker and the late Jason Baker, escorted by Miles Duboise, son of Jay and Jamie Duboise.
Ayla Stowe, daughter of Jeremy and Cheryl Stowe, was crowned queen this past year and bestowed this year’s crown.