Happiest of school years to all
It might seem unbelievable, but the time has come: School is back in session. We’d like to wish a very happy return to the classroom to all students and school personnel.
Local administrators, staff and teachers have spent much of their “summer break” preparing for a shiny new school year. Far from having the summer off, employees of the education system have been upgrading facilities, planning new lessons, undergoing training, setting goals, redecorating and reorganizing their classrooms, acquiring needed supplies, mentally preparing and more.
And now the work begins in earnest. Principals, specialists, lunchroom workers, bus drivers, custodians, counselors, coaches and more are working to get to know hundreds of new faces and maintain a safe and welcoming environment for the students in their care, creating an atmosphere where learning and growth can be achieved.
While some students might be dragging their heels, we know most were likely excited to see their friends and favorite teachers again and open the door to a new year of learning.
We all remember that feeling of going back to school after a summer break. It’s an exciting, but also in some ways challenging, time. If you interact with a young person or with a teacher or other school employee – whether they are a member of your church or community group, a part-time employee at a local business or your neighbor across the street – take the time to share a positive word or some encouragement this week and in the next few weeks to come. Ask them how school is going, and take the time to listen.
A career in education is a passion, but it’s not always an easy task. We know our school personnel put up with a lot, and we salute them in their efforts.
This is also a time of adjustment for parents. Whether their children are starting kindergarten, college or anywhere between, seeing young scholars start a new chapter in their education is a milestone. It marks the passage of time in an inescapable way.
Of course, at a more practical level, it also marks a return to navigating morning and afternoon car lines, arranging after-school activities, packing lunches, helping with homework, meeting with teachers and more. We know that’s a lot for parents to add to their daily schedules, and we salute you, too, for everything you do to help your child get a meaningful and thorough education. You are to be commended.
All in all, it’s going to be a great school year. Happy fall 2022 to all!