Take care of your body
As Jack LaLanne, an American fitness/nutrition guru and motivational speaker stated, “Your body is your most priceless possession. Take care of it.”
We don’t think about our bodies until summer gets here – and then we realize the need to get into shape! The summer offers longer days, brighter sunshine and warmer temperatures that help us enjoy improved moods, better diets and stronger fitness habits.
The General Federation of Women’s Clubs has a community service program that focuses on health and wellness. The GFWC Book Lovers Study Club women have actively supported the health and wellness community service program in our community, state and nation through programs and donations.
Wellness has been described as an active process of being aware of and making choices toward a healthy and fulfilling life.
The human body, mind and spirit comprise our health and wellness. The three key components that improve our wellbeing are nutrition, disease prevention and physical and emotional care.
Nutritious food builds good health. Wise food choices support a healthy body weight, meet nutrient needs and lessen the risk for chronic disease.
Disease prevention includes immunizations and efforts that reduce development of chronic illnesses, such as heart disease, cancer and diabetes.
Physical and emotional care encourage actions to keep the body and mind healthy throughout life, plus support family, friends and community members in their efforts.
Annually, GFWC clubs conduct programs on health and wellness.
Nutrition projects include a meeting with a local nutritionist to present eating healthy; workshops that provide healthy recipes and handouts on nutrition; volunteering with Meals on Wheels for nutritional support to seniors; and providing healthy snacks for first responders or after-school programs.
Disease preventions are: sharing information on various topics from the CDC, such as diseases and conditions, travelers’ health and emergency preparedness; detecting early signs and symptoms of diabetes in children and adults; promoting breast and cervical cancer screenings and diagnostic services; learning risk factors for heart attacks; and providing care items for cancer patients and others.
Promoting physical and emotional issues are supported by these clubs, as well. Projects include adopting a classroom and donating physical exercise items, such as jump ropes, hula hoops and other recreational equipment; starting exercise or walking groups and use an app, Charity Miles, to track the progress while donating to a charitable cause; donating to the National Alliance on Mental Illness; and informing club and community members about issues surrounding substance abuse.
GFWC club women encourage everyone to become aware of and to make good choices regarding their health and wellness. It is a dynamic process of change and growth.