Commission donates to Place of Grace construction
The Franklin County Commission voted during its April 18 meeting in favor of a $5,000 contribution toward the construction of faith-based rehab facility, The Place of Grace.
The facility will be built on the grounds of the Community Church at Hackleburg. The church donated the land for the facility but is a separate entity from The Place of Grace.
Jocelynn James Edmonds, director, and family friend, Daniel Green, who assists with the ministry, spoke at the March 14 commission work session to explain The Place of Grace’s goals and to request a donation to help with the construction of a physical facility.
Green explained The Place of Grace is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that facilitates getting women into addiction recovery programs, noting 2,015 women have been helped through the program so far. It started with just Edmonds working alone, using her car and working three jobs to have enough money to live and be able to help women who wanted to break free from substance abuse.
“These women need a lot of help,” added Green. “A lot of people have burned bridges by the time they get to rehab, and they need a lot of love and support.”
He explained the building will be a 6,000-square foot facility that will initially accommodate 25 women. “The long-term goal is to be able to accommodate anywhere from 90-125 women there.”
Franklin County Sheriff Shannon Oliver attended the meeting and spoke in support of the project.
“The Place of Grace has been exceptionally easy to get ahold of if we have someone in the jail who comes in saying they need help,” Oliver said. “Usually with one phone call, they’re there and ready to go and help them get the help they need.”
Green said the legality is that a donation cannot be given to a 501(c)(3) without something coming back in return. “This will be part of the recovery program. These women, as part of the program, will give back through community service wherever the towns, cities and counties can use assistance, such as with park and recreation areas, cleaning and different things like that.”
Edmonds expressed gratitude for the contribution. “I’m so thankful. I’m very grateful to the Franklin County Commission for their generous donation and for understanding the need for this facility in our area and what it will mean to people in our community.”
She said The Place of Grace is now $45,000 away from having enough money for the first phase of the project, which includes the dirt work, cement slab, plumbing and the shell of the metal building.
“We have $125,000 currently, not counting the Franklin County Commission’s $5,000 donation. The Place of Grace is always in awe of the support we receive from so many people, businesses, churches and our local government agencies.”
For more information about The Place of Grace, call 256-668-5390 or visit