March 2022 Marriage Licenses
March 1
Ariana Alexa Duran to Kener Osbely Perez Sales
Jessica Ann Page to Tabitha Renee Ivey
Jessie Dean McCulloch to Leah Danielle R. Aldridge
March 3
Christopher Paul Burrell to Carrie Danielle Williams
March 4
Chelsie Nichole Mauney to Antonio Devant Patterson
March 8
Wesley Raymon Williamson to Misty Marie Holcomb
March 9
Gerardo Marchant Castro to Dora Lis Toruno Gonzalez
March 15
Anna Green Borden to Max Montoya
John Dillon Randolph to Katlin Brooke Fox
March 17
Christopher Ray Fretwell to Kari Anne Willingham
March 18
Charles Ross Chard to Camie Rose Terrell
Billy Scott Gravitt to Judith Juanita Sumerel
Manuel Ramirez-Abarca to Leslie Gonzalez
Jerry Rhanie Lawson to Sandra Dianne Lawson
Michael William Gann to Laura Macias Lugo
Isidro Alfredo G. Aguirre to Susane Trejo
March 22
Darwin Robidio Juarez to Maria Concepcio Figueroa
Anna Belle Humphres to Kevin Mark Frederick
March 23
Emily Danielle Morrison to Alyssa Jewell Morgan
March 24
Adrian Jerome Rogers to Junay Egil Smith
March 25
Roger Dale Hancock to Marilyn Dannie Sherrill
Jose Antonio Sanchez to Sherylian Torres Vanegas
Jessie Paul Myrick to Alicia Nicole Hendrix
Brandon Paul Nix to Crystal Eve Nix
March 31
Lesha Ann Tidwell to Edward Wesley Priest