June 2020 Land Transactions
June 2
Tina Murray to Sammy McClusky, Quit Claim
Danny Bumpus to Byron Smith, Survivorship
Lawanda Hester to Jack Etzler, Warranty
Golden Tiger Properties to Anthony McKee, Warranty
Danny Emerson to Dorothy Stidham, Survivorship
Audrey Watts to Mary Sant, Power of Attorney
Elizabeth Walker to Tadeo Ceballos, Quit Claim
Elizabeth Walker to George Mathews, Quit Claim
Jane Wray to Aaron Hollingworth, Warranty
June 3
Daris Wells to Chris Wright, Survivorship
Alexandra Vall to Robert Vall, Quit Claim
Hayden Evans to Barry Rhea, Warranty
Sarah Mayfield to Chase Swinney, Warranty
William Peacock to Juan Garcia, Survivorship
Glen Demastus to Mary Stamps, Warranty
Patsy Pennington to Jose Rosa, Warranty
June 4
Larry Mitchell to Larry Mitchell, Warranty
Larry Mitchell to Wendy Mitchell, Warranty
Chad Nichols to Taylor Weclowski, Warranty
Fredia Rice to Bonnie Gober, Warranty
Gwendlyon Hovater to Jason Parker, Warranty
Ab Hall to Jason Parker, Warranty
Deborah Hilburn to Jason Parker, Warranty
June 5
Therisa Hayse to Mary Hayse, Quit Claim
Chris Copper to Sheree Canida, Warranty
David Cochran to David Cochran, Warranty
Connie Boyington to David Cochran, Survivorship
Charles Richardson to Amy Suddith, Warranty
Donald Loetz to Cynthia Finley, Warranty
Jason. Miller to Gregory Parrish, Warranty
Ellen Malone to Sylvia Aziz, Warranty
Donny Baker to Phillip Garrison, Survivorship
Brenda Baker to Phillip Garrison, Warranty
June 8
Charles Richardson to Any Suddith, Warranty
Donald Loetz to Cynthia Finley, Warranty
Jason Miller to Gregory Parrish, Warranty
Ellen Malone to Sylvia Aziz, Warranty
Donny Baker to Phillip Garrison, Survivorship
Brenda Baker to Phillip Garrison, Warranty
June 9
Brad James to Phillip Gray, Clerk’s
Wilbur Henderson to Donnie Nichols, Survivorship
Rodney Allen to Feliz Mojica, Survivorship
Darren Bobo to Wilmer Garcia, Survivorship
Eddie Beason to Betty Robinson, Affidavit
James Baker to Phillip Garrison, Warranty
Martha Hubbard to April Hubbard, Power of Attorney
Lindsey Smith to Lindsey Smith, Affidavit
Chris Wright to Community Spirit Bank, Warranty
June 10
Steve Hester to GKLG Properties, Right of Way
Barry Montgomery to Pedro Ramos, Survivorship
Harry Pounders to Town of Phil Campbell, Warranty
Chastidy Johnson to James Porter, Quit Claim
Savannah Warren to Bobby Warren, Quit Claim
June 11
Sandra Shewbart to Robert Jones, Personal Representative
Sandra Shewbart to Meribeth Beaver, Personal Representative
Stephen Hall to Milton Hatton, Survivorship
Roberto Sanchez to Christobal Gonan, Warranty
Ivan Hernandez to Jose Michel, Warranty
June 12
Joyce Cartee to Alice Garrison, Warranty
Frankie Vandiver to Burell Vandiver, Warranty
Gregory Parrish to Jesus Pineda Warranty
June 16
Steven Swinney to Jennifer Swinney, Sale Contract
John Starkey to Carolyn Sledge, Warranty
Rachel Mccarter to Jonathan Arnold, Warranty
Howard Lewis to Heather Willis, Warranty
Glenn Hargett to Glenn Hargett, Warranty
Carol Hall to Jeremy Hall, Warranty
Carol Hall to Carol Hall, Warranty
Carol Hall to Joshua Hall, Warranty
Carol Hall to Eileen Baggett, Warranty
June 17
Debra Alexander to Bailey Thompson, Warranty
Robert Clemmons to Leslie Slater, Warranty
June 18
Greg Bowling to Nancy Bowling, Warranty
Doris Camp to Jeannine Weaver, Warranty
Doris Camp to Sherry Thrasher, Warranty
Doris Camp to Michael Camp, Warranty
Russell Kimbrough to Carmeline Juan, Warranty
Stefan Sparks to Adam Tyler, Warranty
June 19
Roy Strickland to Delaine Strickland, Power of Attorney
Gary Mann to Gary Mann, Survivorship
Sheree Canida to Chris Cooper, Corrective
Jose Palma to Jose Palma, Quit Claim
Terry Rogers to Trent Rogers, Warranty
June 22
Robert Emerson to Joyce Emerson, Power of Attorney
Robert Whitten to Jessica Smith. Warranty
Curtis Baker to Alabama Power Company, Easement
Rock Bridge Lodge LLC to Alabama Power Company, Easement
David Baldwin to Alabama Power Company, Easement
Timothy Ozbirn to Alabama Power Company, Easement
Ernest Pratt to Alabama Power Company, Easement
Lorie Pennington to Alabama Power Company, Easement
Seth Brown to Alabama Power Company, Easement
Jason Murray to Alabama Power Company, Easement
Robert Pannell to Alabama Power Company, Easement
Chris Mayfield to Alabama Power Company, Easement
William Hammond to Alabama Power Company, Easement
James Plaxco to Michael Plaxco, Quit Claim
James Plaxco to Jose Sanchez, Sale Contract
Daris Wells to Dustin Pate, Survivorship
June 23
Karen McCullough to Patrick Saint, Warranty
June 24
G. Lane Inc to Joe Lane, Warranty
June 25
Earvin Frost to Jo Ergle, Executor’s
James King to James King, Warranty
Nickie Howard to Lisa Keller, Quit Claim
Barbara Jordan to Adrian Avelino, Warranty
Lance Seay to Peggy Brown, Warranty
Donald Borden to Barbara Murphy, Survivorship
Walter Campbell to Two Lakes land, Warranty
Michelle Maddox to Rita Harris, Affidavit
June 26
Robert Orr to Robert Orr, Survivorship
Lurla Johnson to Lurla Johnson, Survivorship
June 29
Billy Pierce to Paige Cooper, Warranty
Cynthia Finley to Donavan Finley, Warranty
Mauveline Roberts to Shirley Chittom, Power of Attorney
Ronald Mcculloch to Freddy Escobar, Survivorship
June 30
James Vandiver to Stanley Vandiver, Power of Attorney
Robbie Tidwell to Dillan Hamby, Survivorship
Tabatha Smith to Donald Wray, Sale
Bingham Real Estate to Ty Snider, Release
Bingham Real Estate to Pete Raper, Survivorship
Dicky Tedford to Emily Humphries, Warrant