Russellville Utilities closes lobby during virus
In the midst of the COVID-19 virus, Russellville Electric is limiting personal interaction to do its part in helping stop the possible spread of the virus.
Russellville Utilities lobby is closed to limit personal interaction in the lobby area. The situation will be re-evaluated April 6.
The workers in the office have also been split into two isolated groups to help if a worker were to become sick with the virus. “This way if one person gets sick, we are just able to quarantine that group they are with, and the other group can continue to run operations,” explained Russellville Electric general manager Charles Canida.
While the lobby area will be closed to customers, the drive-thru and drop box located on the north side of the utility office will be available to accept payments.
Bills can also be paid through Nexbillpay online at or at 1-877-256-4714.
During this time, Russellville Utilities will take on the $3.95 convenience fee charge from Nexbillpay.
Canida said he would also like to ease the public’s mind by addressing rumors about power being shut off at this time.
“Russellville Electric Board has not disconnected anyone apart from those who were on normal cutoff due to lack of payment,” Canida said. “As you are aware, the COVID-19 pandemic didn’t affect Alabama until March 13. Therefore, any disconnections since then were strictly the result of implementation of our normal cutoff policy.”
Canida said Russellville Electric has not yet suspended the normal practice of disconnecting utility services for nonpayment. The department is monitoring the situation on a day-to-day basis and will make necessary adjustments as needed or required.
If a situation does arrive where a customer is unable to pay, Canida said Russellville Electric will look at temporarily suspending payments on a case-by-case basis. If payments or temporarily suspended, customers will be responsible for the full bill amount accrued until the payment is made.
Any questions can be directed to the Russellville Utilities office phone at 256-332-3850.