Homefolks U.S.A.
Hi folks,
In just a few short weeks we can all welcome spring 2020. We can see the plants, grass, trees and flowers beginning to a wake to a new season.
The next holiday that will be taking place soon will be Easter, and we can see many stores getting ready for this special day.
My buddy Harlon King always look forward to good Friday. While he was in the seed and feed business, that was the day that made the “cash register sing” with folks purchasing plants and seeds for their gardens. We all miss those small businesses, but the good memories we have still live on.
We certainly appreciate the many folks who have made their way to Bolton Furniture in the past few weeks. Many of our old collectibles have found a new home. It’s always good to know people enjoy having articles from the past that they can display in their homes.
We certainly appreciate all the business that comes our way. It’s always nice when folks replace that old furniture with new, and bedding seems to be one item that we sell every week.
For 43 years we have opened at 9 a.m. and closed at 5 p.m. and have enjoyed every day. I think of the many friends we have made through the years, and it really makes me thankful to be a part of this community.
It’s always sad when we see some of our customers pass from this life. We know they will be missed, but we hope better things lie ahead. This past week we lost a good customer and friend in the passing of Jerry Saint. He was in the store every month, always happy, always smiling and always patted my little dog Katie on the head and told her how pretty she was. When Jerry left the store, his last words were, “Have a blessed day.“
We offer our condolences to his family.
Till next time,
Your friend,