Club Chronicles: Book Lovers prepare, submit GFWC, AFWC report
The GFWC Book Lovers Study Club held its January meeting at the home of Brenda Oliver, and JoAnn Graham served as co-hostess.
The Institute “What Kind of Leader are You?” was given by Leah Masterson.
Everyone leads in a different way and has his or her own style. Club members were given a short quiz to discover more about what style leadership they possess.
What is your leadership style? You may Google “Leadership Quiz” and take a quiz to determine what style leader you are. It’s fun and informative.
The program, “Hats off to Reporting,” was presented and required members’ participation. The Alabama Federation of Women Club requests clubs submit annual reports. These reports are compiled into one report, which is sent to AFWC and the General Federation of Women Club for reports and final judging for awards.
The GFWC Book Lovers Study Club celebrated 90 years of community service this administration. Information regarding the history of Book Lovers Study Club is on file at the GFWC Historic Register in Washington, D.C.
At this meeting members were asked to list the following on their project sheets: number of projects they worked on during the past year; total volunteer hours; total dollars donated; total dollars spent; and total in-kind donations.
Projects Book Lovers Study Club supported this past year fell into the following categories:
• • Arts: RHS/RMS Art Show, Roxy Theatre Events/Roxy’s Christmas Spectacular, Watermelon Festival and W.C. Handy Music Festival
• • Conservation: city beautification, The Nature Generation and America Recycles Day
• • Education: Russellville City Schools libraries, Russellville Public Library, scholarship to RHS senior with third highest grade point average and AFWC Scholarships
• • Home Life: Canine Companions, FAME Girls Ranch, Big Oak Ranch, Northwest Alabama Habitat for Humanity, Relay for Life, Breast Cancer Wellness Walk, Meals on Wheels, Safeplace, Ronald McDonald House, American Heart Association and the Stamp Out Hunger Food Drive
• • International Outreach: Heifer International, Operation Smile, Operation Christmas Child, Shot @Life and UNICEF
• • Public Issues: Every Light a Prayer for Peace, Sew Much Comfort, United Service Organization, Veterans Day Parade and Reception and Martin Luther King Jr. Community Service Day;
• • Special Projects: domestic violence, St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Andrea’s Arbor, Jagger’s Journey, AFWC President’s Project Scholarships and fundraisers
With 24 members participating, it’s going to be interesting to see how many projects, volunteer hours, donations made, dollars spent and in-kind donations were made this past year.