RMS helps community with holiday food drive
Russellville Middle School Family, Career and Community Leaders of America and Students Against Destructive Decisions partnered together for the 2019 food drive – and students, faculty and community members stepped up to donate and help meet the need.
Food collected in the drive will go toward the Fifth Thursday Mission in Russellville and to local families in need during the holidays.
“I am thankful for all the people who donated food at our school,” said FCCLA President Maheida Figueroa. “I think we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.
“To me this is more than just a food drive; it’s making a difference in people’s lives.”
The Fifth Thursday Mission began about six years ago when a group noticed that during the months when there is a fifth Thursday, there was not a food giveaway by Faith Mission Outreach, as there is most Thursdays.
FCCLA adviser Rachel Agee said it was encouraging to see students be so willing to give and help others. “The generous effort of our students is amazing,” Agee added.
FCCLA Vice President and SADD Secretary Drew Reed said the RMS drive was a great opportunity to help others, and he was thankful he was able to give.
“If you can’t feed 100 people, just feed one,” agreed SADD President Dalton Ridge. “We wanted to make a difference one food item at a time.”