NW-SCC Public Relations Department wins six statewide awards
Northwest-Shoals Community College’s Public Relations Department received six awards and was recently recognized for its outstanding marketing and public relations efforts by the Alabama Community College System Public Relations Association.
During ACCSPRA’s recent annual conference in Orange Beach, NW-SCC public information officer Trent Randolph accepted one Pyramid Award, three Awards of Achievement and two Awards of Merit.
The college was presented awards in the following categories for marketing and public relations materials created or used during the 2018-2019 year:
Pyramid Award, first place, digital signage
Award of Achievement, second place, catalog, course schedule and digital signage
Award of Merit, third place, online advertising
The Pyramid Awards ceremony recognized best practices from Alabama Community College public relations and marketing professionals who submitted marketing and public relations materials to an independent panel of judges.
More 260 entries were submitted from almost 20 colleges.
The mission of ACCSPRA is to enhance the image of, and strengthen and promote awareness and public perception of, the Alabama Community College System.