Fourth session of Way We Were facilitates insight into local history
When most people think of history, they might think about U.S. history or world history. This year, the Russellville Bicentennial Committee began a history series to educate on local history and help citizens learn about their heritage in Franklin County.
Aug. 10 the Russellville Bicentennial Committee will host its fourth event in the history series The Way We Were: Historical Demonstrations, Exhibits and Portrayals.
“It really is just a great way to learn about history,” said Bicentennial Committee member Doris Hutcheson. “There are a lot of different parts of local history that most people don’t know… Not only is that history, but that’s our history.”
This month’s event will focus on Native American history. Speakers for the event include Bob Perry portraying George Colbert, Tony Turnbow speaking on Andrew Jackson and the Chickasaw Indians, Rickey Butch Walker talking about Chief Doublehead, Tim Kent discussing other aspects of Chief Doublehead and Randy Brown portraying Sam Dale.
“This area itself is so rich in history, and the young people now just aren’t taught history – especially local history,” said Chris Ozbirn, Franklin County Archives director and chairperson of the Russellville Bicentennial Committee. “I think that’s one of the most important things. It’s good to know present day events and all, but still you’ve got to know the history.”
Hutcheson said the Russellville Bicentennial Committee decided to host the Saturday history series after a pioneer event last year was so well received. Instead of hosting an event in the same format this year, the committee has planned five different events on a variety of topics. The last in the series will be Sept. 14.
The event is free to the public. Authors will have their books for sale. The event will take place from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Russellville Canteen, 217 Washington Ave.