PHOTOS: Phil Campbell hosts Easter egg hunt
Hunter McCulloch, 13, with brother, Christian McCulloch, 9, win one of 16 bicycles.
Mikynnleigh Sebastian, 8, wins one of several Easter baskets.
Hart, 7, is among 16 bicycle winners.
Autumn Gillian, 9, shows off her finds.
Approximately 75 children participate in the Phil Campbell Easter egg hunt in 2019, tracking down 1,000 eggs in barely more than a minute.
Leah Cain, Penn Harrison, and Michael Harrison-Cain, 8, enjoy the community event with with dog Pistol
Leah, Jessie, and Kat Chloe McCullah enjoy the egg hunt with other families in Phil Campbell Memorial Park.
Kylee, 7, Karrson, 8, and and Konner, 4, grab a quick picture with the Easter Bunny in 2019.
Roxi Cochran, Kruze Cochran and Piper Cochran share an Easter hug.
Faith White, 7, wins a bicycle.
Mayor Steve Bell, Councilmember Lynn Landers, Denise Ogle, Bill Ogle, Jenny Burks organize Phil Campbell's Easter egg hunt.
Abby Pratt, 8, is another bicycle winner.
Leon and Logan Motes, 9, win a bicycle at the Easter egg hunt.