County prepares for new garbage trucks
The Franklin County Solid Waste Department will be using new, automated garbage trucks starting in the City of Russellville June 1. With these new trucks come new guidelines citizens need to know to make the process run efficiently.
To keep the garbage can clean and prevent litter from spilling out during pick-up, all garbage should be in plastic bags in the issued cans. Avoid overflowing the can by not overloading it or placing items on top of the can. The automated trucks cannot pickup extra garbage bags that are placed on the ground next to the cans.
Placement is important to the operation of the automated claw the new trucks will be using. Cans must be curbside with the handle and wheels facing the house and the lid opening toward the street. They should be placed at least five feet away from any other object, including mailboxes, trees, poles, etc.
Do not block cans or curbside access with parked cars, and do not place the cans under wires or low tree branches.
Additional cans are available for $11.75 a month per can. Contact the Solid Waste Department at 256-332-8412 for more information or to purchase an extra can.