Club Chronicles: Book Lovers club wins district awards
Book Lovers Study Club’s March meeting was held at The Country Cottage. Serving as co-hostesses were Shelia Upchurch, Rebecca Reeves and Carolyn Porter. In conjunction with the meeting, the annual barbecue fundraiser was held between the hours of 4-6 p.m. at the Country Cottage. In spite of the stormy weather, the fundraiser was a success.
The program, “Celebrating the Arts,” was presented by Lela Ray. With assistance of Book Lovers members, she led an art activity with the residents of The Country Cottage.
A short business session was held following the art project. President Patricia Cox reported on the GFWC Alabama North District Meeting that was held in Huntsville. The district’s program was the Manna House, which offers healthy food assistance for those in need in the Huntsville area.
At this meeting, clubs were presented district awards for their reports. Book Lovers received first place in Arts; Conservation; Home Life; Public Issues; Domestic Violence Awareness; Communication and Public Relations; Leadership; Legislation and Public Policy; Membership; Women’s History and Resource; and Fundraising.
Russellville Hospital representatives Dr. Jeff Manord, Diane Myrick, Social Services, Tabetha Pinkard and Danielle Coan, RN case managers, were presented $1,000 from the Book Lovers’ Breast Cancer Walk benefit. This donation will be used for breast cancer patients in need of assistance. Diane Myrick will give us a quarterly report on how these funds were used.
For the March project, members donated gifts or supplies to Safeplace. A $25 donation was given to each of the following International Projects: Operation Smile and Shot@Life.
Club members were reminded of the Irish Night event with Eammon Walsh and The Wildwood Trio March 30 at the Russellville Public Library. Walsh will present a virtual tour of the Irish beautiful coastline using photographs and will have copies of his book, “One Irishman’s Life’s Journey” for purchase. Also available to purchase will be The Wildwood Trio CDs. Refreshments will be served.
Club Chronicles is written by Susie Hovater Malone.