School board congratulates student success
The RCS Board of Education recognizes the RHS students who participated in the HOSA State Leadership Conference. Several students participated in the HOSA Bowl and placed sixth in the state, and several others received the Barbara James Service Award.
The RCS Board of Education recognizes Youth Leadership Academy team members, who participate in several activities throughout the year to learn more about leadership roles in the community.
The RCS Board of Education recognizes the members and teacher sponsors of the West Elementary School’s Tiger Bots team that recently won the UNA Robotics Competition, competing against teams through 12th grade.
The Health Occupations Students of America from Russellville High School were recognized for placing sixth in the HOSA State Leadership Conference HOSA Bowl. The RCS Youth Leadership Academy members was recognized for their participation in several activities throughout the year, in which they learned about leadership roles in the community. The West Elementary School Tiger Bots were recognized for recently winning the UNA Robotics Competition, in which they competed against teams all the way up to 12th grade.
During the business portion of the meeting:
- Superintendent Heath Grimes recommended the bid for the partial re-roofing of WES go to the lowest bidder, MG Roofing Inc., for $181,440.
- The RHS varsity and junior varsity cheerleaders’ trip request for June 2-6 to attend cheer camp at Auburn university was approved.
- The FBLA students’ request to participate in the FBLA State Competition and Leadership Conference in Birmingham April 11-12 was approved.
- The RHS Cosmetology students’ request to participate in the Skills USA State Competition in Birmingham April 14-17 was approved.
- The RMS Show Choir and Drama’s request to participate in the Disney Performing Arts Workshop in Orlando, Fla., Jan. 1-6, 2020, was approved.
- The RMS Scholars’ Bowl request to compete in the Junior National Academic Championship in New Orleans, La., May 24-27 was approved.
- Grimes recommended approval of the Procedure for Facility Use as presented in the agenda.
- Grimes recommended the following people be approved to serve on the Textbook Committee for the 2019-20 school year: from WES – Deanna Hollimon, Brittany Sykes, Johnna Morrow, Krista Burcham and Jamie Lane Jennifer Willis; RES – Kristie Ezzell, Tiffany Warhurst, Liza Scott, Lauren Ritter, Heather Godwin, Evelyn Servin and Priscilla Davis; RMS – Tony Bonds, Aleah Harris, Rachel Agee, Diane Townley, Mandi Willis and Odaly Linares; and RHS – Jeremy Clemmons, Brea Cologross, Anna Kay Holland, Deedra Moore, Alana Swinney, Tessa Rushing and Liz Montiel.
- The board approved Jenny Wynn’s leave of absence at WES from Feb. 4 to April 1.
- The board approved Kirklynn Hanson’s temporary employment in position to fill Jenny Wynn’s absence from Feb. 4 to April 1.