Homefolks U.S.A.
Hi folks,
Today we see so many people who are suffering from types of illness in their life, and our feelings really go out to them. We wonder if a cure is just around the corner, and our prayer is that a cure for dreaded diseases will soon appear.
Sometimes I tend to agree with a statement I heard last week. A friend made the remark, “It’s big business; they don’t want to find a cure.”
I hope this is not the case, but it makes you wonder.
While growing up in Franklin County, I remember a lot of people who could not make a step without the help of crutches – one being Nate Welch. He was rather short in stature; he could drive a car but could not walk on his own.
Mr. Boyce Scruggs was another person who had to have help from crutches to walk. Boyce always looked so uncomfortable while walking, but he always had a smile, greeted everyone with happiness and was a real respected citizen of our county. He did an excellent job as circuit court clerk for Franklin County and later worked for Citizens Bank in Red Bay.
In the Franklin County Courthouse, a concession stand was available, and a Mr. Wilson, who was blind, ran the small store and was well respected by all. He did not let his disability get the best of him.
Mr. Oscar Cook was one of the best traders this county has ever had. He was successful in farming and trading cattle, yet he had a muscle disease that kept him from walking. Many times he would come to our business in Russellville, and I would go to his pick-up truck and make a trade on whatever he was looking for. He had a sharp mind and was a good citizen of our county.
The most pitiful sight I remember as a young boy in Rockwood was our neighbor, Miss Janet Gentle. Janet contracted polio at a very early age in life and had to spend every day in an Iron Lung. Just her head was visible, but she had a beautiful smile and many, many friends. Her body was paralyzed, but her mind was sharp.
I have pictures in my store of Janet, and I will always remember how she could brighten up a day for everyone.
If you have your health, thank God, and be sure to remember those who are not as fortunate when you pray.
Till next time,
Your friend,